J. Alex Darr

J. Alex Darr is an artist with a studio art degree from CSU Sacramento, and her creative journey spans over 15 years, encompassing a love for jewelry making, sculpting, and drawing. With a curious spirit and a passion for exploring new ideas and materials, she continuously pushes the boundaries of her art.

Darr’s jewelry creations combine traditional techniques and innovative approaches while utilizing diverse materials, such as found objects, rubber, copper, brass, and sterling silver, to bring life to unique pieces.

The journey of self-expression extends beyond jewelry as they also explore the medium of clay sculpting. In this medium, they liberate their art from constraints, delving into tactile worlds and bringing forth emotions, human experiences, and abstract concepts in their creations.

You can follow J. Alex Darr's artistic journey and exploration of new ideas and materials on social media @jalexdarr

or view their website at www.jalexdarr.com.

Their art celebrates the boundless possibilities of creativity and invites others to join them on this creative odyssey.


Jen Champlin


Sarah Fine