Anne Ferguson holds a profound admiration for the kaleidoscope of colors within the world of art. She acknowledges her debt of gratitude to esteemed artists such as Matisse, Kaffe Fassett, Brian Rutenberg, Gillian Ayers, Wolf Kahn, Wayne Thiebaud, and Anna Spiro, whose works consistently imbue her with a surge of vitality, enthusiasm, and delight. Anne experiences profound satisfaction when her creations resonate with others, evoking a similar sense of joy.

For aspiring artists, Anne wishes to impart the knowledge that formal training is only one of many alternative roads for success. Through relentless dedication to sketching and painting, she earned a scholarship to Syracuse University. Subsequently, she pursued a course at the Art Students League in New York City, delved into sculpture at William & Mary in Virginia, and, approximately five years ago, embarked on an exhilarating journey of exploring abstract painting through the guidance online classes via YouTube.

Anne's artistic journey has traversed various galleries, spanning locations in Virginia, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and even a noteworthy spa exhibition, culminating in a complete sellout. Among Anne's most cherished achievements is the ownership of one of her paintings by The Federal Bank of Richmond, a distinction that aligns her with luminaries like Frankenthaler.

An enduring source of inspiration and support arises from the camaraderie of fellow artists, cherished friends at Sequoia, and her unwaveringly devoted family. At the age of 90, Anne humbly reflects on her enduring journey in the world of art, and she finds resonance in the sentiment expressed by Hokusai, who declared that he was "almost getting it."


Erin Fast


Ivy Fredrick