Jeffrey Hall draws his artistic inspiration from the world surrounding him, reimagining the energy and imagery he encounters to forge deep connections on physical, visceral, and spiritual levels. He possesses an innate ability to blend the sensory impressions he collects from everyday life with graphic and painting techniques, weaving layers and selecting colors that elicit emotions and create captivating textures. While the formal aspects of his art occasionally take a back seat, Jeffrey persistently searches for the rhythmic harmony that makes his creations resonate.

In his artistic journey, Jeffrey has observed the merging of his digital and mixed media work, a convergence he had foreseen. These two facets of his craft nourish one another, as he finds that technology, while powerful, cannot fully satisfy the yearning within him for hands-on engagement with a paintbrush or unconventional physical tools.

Jeffrey's roots are firmly anchored in the Hillsboro area, where he attended Hillsboro High School and later pursued his education at Portland State University. His career path led him into commercial printing, where he spent over 27 years. During this time, he absorbed traditional printing techniques and witnessed the transition into the digital realm, acquiring valuable skills that would later influence his artistic expression.

The profound changes he witnessed, particularly the transformation from rural to urban living, significantly inform Jeff's artistic process. He cherishes the connection to his beloved surroundings by incorporating locally sourced sand from coastal areas and rivers and upcycled materials found in the vicinity. Although his artworks may appear familiar at first glance, Jeff aptly dubs them "Landescapes" because they are often a composite of his unique vision.

Today, one can find Jeffrey either immersed in the observation of nature or at his studio, located in space #8 above Sequoia Gallery + Studios.


Mia Hocking


Ellen Jerome